Book Review: Why Men Love Bitches

Argov’s book is not only for singles, but also for women who are married or divorced. It’ll help you spice up your life outside and inside the bedroom, know what ticks a guy off, and be the greatest “bitch” you can ever be.

By Mae Velasco [current events bureau chief]

Why Men Love Bitches
By: Sherry Argov

I was out for a luncheon with one of my girlfriends when she told that I’ve got to read this book: Why Men Love Bitches. I’m in a long-term relationship and the last thing I really needed was a relationship guide to hold on to when I already have a boyfriend. Although, I must say that the title piqued my interest. With careful consideration, I decided to check it out a few days after the luncheon. I had no intention of buying the book; when I looked at the contents inside I was laughing in a mere few seconds.

When I look at a book through its contents, summary, and cover,  I’m not usually like this. I’d put the book away and on with the other book I’d be getting. This was not the case for Why Men Love Bitches. If you’re looking for a solid, humourous, and yet sardonically true book, you’ve got to read it. You should consider putting this book in your collection. I probably don’t have to tell you that I did.

Sherry Argov has done an awesome job with compiling men’s secrets and women’s motivations into this neatly piled book of Why Men Love Bitches. I finished it in three days. I proudly call myself a “bitch” in mere terms of the book. There’s a woman who’s too nice in a relationship and a bitch that knows what she’s made of. The bitch is someone who is independent, can stand on her own feet, and does her fair share of the relationship – that is being reciprocal. She’s not needy, she has her own life and she’s feisty. She knows what she wants and is not afraid of it. She speaks with her actions and not her words. Her drive is a magnet for men and her force is as strong as ever. Argov’s book is not only for singles, but also for women who are married or divorced. It’ll help you spice up your life outside and inside the bedroom, know what ticks a guy off, and be the greatest “bitch” you can ever be.