Back to the roots: film photography
Raz Cuculea looks through the viewfinders of old film cameras, celebrating the nostalgia of these classics.

By Raz Cuculea
Thanks to technology, professional-grade photography has become accessible to nearly anyone who wants to participate on a competitive level. And with companies competing for this amateur photography market, buying good gear no longer costs an arm, a leg and (if you prefer to buy a super fast lens ) your first-born.
Photography is beginning to become more of a daily routine in this modern society. It’s amazing how at any point, there can be hundreds of people uploading images to a plethora sites – sharing, tweeting, liking and reposting them as part of a regular online routine. Almost every cell phone has the ability to take photos, and there are even smart phones out there that can take photos with a resolution higher than some of their DSLR counterparts. Everybody is shooting with digital cameras these days.
Surely you have seen a film camera before, but when was the last time you actually shot with film? Have you ever opened a fresh film canister and caught a small sniff of what photographic emulsion smells like? There’s something extra special about trusting (or hoping) that a photograph will turn out well. There’s a sense of anxiousness when you can’t double check to see if the photo is good, and an even greater sense of pride when the printer gives you a perfectly exposed and composed print of that really funny face your friend made.
And honestly it’s not even about good photos, so much as capturing the moments that really matter. I am of the belief that unless you’re a model, your wedding should be the only “perfect day” photographs. Everything else is fun. Photography is fun because of the memories photos hold, not because of the way they’re composed.
All this is to say, go out and take some photos like you already do, but this time, bring a film camera with you too. Nothing fancy, just a preloaded point-and-shoot from London Drugs, or a cheap oldie from Value Village. Just try it, and have fun.
Watch for an upcoming gallery of some of Raz’s work.