Live From Nowhere Near You: a benefit concept album
64-song compilation of artists aims to help the homeless youth organization.

By Lliam Easterbrook
[senior features writer]
This brand new 64-song compilation album was released today via Greyday Records. Live From Nowhere Near You: Volume II is comprised of rarities, collaborations and b-sides from artists such as Wilco, Ryan Adams, Elliott Smith, Bright Eyes, The Strokes and Eddie Vedder. Originally conceived by Kevin Moyer to help raise funds for the homeless youth organization Outside In, Live From Nowhere works “By collaborating street musicians with friends and music professionals . . . tell[ing] a story of life on the streets and the roads leading to and from there.” The three cd set sells for $15 online, with 100 per cent of proceeds going to charity. Purchase a copy online at, or listen to a stream at