It’s Sexy (Candle) Time

Student business venture integrates local businesses with aromatherapy candles

Boost Your Mood is a company consisting of Kwantlen Polytechnic University marketing students Yuli Dhani, Jesse Kopan, Bri Livramento, Kyle Oser, Dorothy Poudel, Nina Wang, and Robyn Wheeler, who together may have come up with something truly great for their practicum project: sexy candles.
Boost Your Mood is about people feeling good, and as a business they focus on products like candles, bath bombs, body lotions, and macarons—all of which can be found online on their website.
The company received an initial $200 investment from KPU, and these seven marketing students have now been able to turn Boost Your Mood into a business that has generated an income of $10,000, according to their financial manager, Jesse Kopan.
Their most popular product is the “sexy candle,” a candle which, when melted, becomes body lotion to massage onto your romantic partner. It’s comprised of sweet orange, neroli, patchouli, and ylang ylang essential oils. With a product name like “Sexy Time” it’s pretty easy to understand this particular candle’s purpose—however, their website does warn that you should not “lick partner after oil has been applied to body.”
All of Boost Your Mood’s products were conceptualized by brand coordinator Nina Wang, and many of the products that they produce are made in Wang’s own kitchen every Thursday, which the whole team is involved in. They have several other candles besides Sexy Time, including Happy Time, Focus Time, and Relax Time. Each candle sells for $15, with the exception of Sexy Time which is $20.
The most important part of the work that Boost Your Mood does, in their view, is their emphasis on involving local businesses in giving back to their community. After funneling funds back into KPU’s marketing program, Boost Your Mood gives its proceeds to Sophie’s Place Child Advocacy Centre, a place for abused children to find help and refuge.
Local businesses such as Langley-based bakery “Kitchening & Co” and North Vancouver’s “For the Love of Baths” provide the things that Boost Your Mood cannot, such as the macarons and bath bombs.
“I’m not sure what’s going to happen next, we’re trying to figure that out,” says Kopan.