Fir 128’s Potential Future Facelift

Vice-president student services and vice-president finance & operations propose renovations

As it is, room 128 in the Surrey campus’ Fir building is functioning as a theatre, but not to its full potential—at least, not according to vice-president student services Tanvir Singh and vice-president finance & operations Rawan Ramini..
After watching a play in Fir 128, they felt that the seating, lighting, and appearance of the room was not sufficient for the actors or students. Uncomfortable chairs and a bare bones theatre setup, they recall, meant that an unnecessary amount of preparation and discomfort was caused before and during the performance.
That’s why they are proposing to the university that the room be renovated. The renovation—which, if approved, will begin within the next year or two—would be a top-to-bottom makeover of the theatre, from a new light and sound system to aesthetic touch-ups and possible stage construction.
Students in English and Interdisciplinary Expressive Arts courses would benefit by using the room, says Ramini, and clubs on-campus may also rent it out for meetings or events if they wish. Rumours that there may be a performing arts diploma available at KPU sometime in the future were also a factor pushing the two vice-presidents to go forward with the renovation proposal, as was encouragement from KPU faculty.
Ramini and Singh currently do not have an estimate for how much the renovations will cost, but they plan to begin official discussions with Kwantlen Polytechnic University as soon as possible.