Runner Run-Down: KSA Committees

What are they and what do they do?

For many newcomers to KPU—and probably more than a few people who have been here for a while—the Kwantlen Student Association can seem complex and difficult to understand.
The KSA can essentially be broken down into three parts: the executive team, the council, and the various specialized committees. Executive and Council are made up of elected officials representing the student body, but the committees are a collaboration between the officials and average students. These committees help determine how student fees are spent.
“All the committees make recommendations to council,” explains KSA President and Vice President External Alex McGowan. Although they make recommendations, the committees themselves don’t have spending authority to fund taking action, with the sole exception of the Executive Committee.
Information about the various KSA committees is available on the KSA webpage, but as McGowan admits, it’s not currently up to date with the KSA’s standards. The KSA is currently in the process of getting that information updated.
Until then, here’s a quick guide to the various KSA committees.
The Standing Committee on Finance and Operations is responsible for the internal workings of the KSA and management of their financial resources. They are also in charge of looking at new potential student services, awards, and budget amendments.
The Standing Committee on Appointments considers applications for other committees and positions within the KSA. They’re responsible for putting people where they can do the most good for KPU students.
The Standing Committee on Student Life deals with student events and clubs. It is largely made up of various student club leaders and serves the purpose of getting KPU students engaged with their university community.
The Standing Committee on University Affairs—formerly the Student Services Committee—interprets and makes recommendations to Council based on student feedback about recent university goings-on. The University Affairs committee’s role is currently being overhauled and is likely to evolve over time.
The Standing Committee on Governance ensures that KSA regulations, bylaws, and internal policies are up to date. There is a constant stream of updates to be deliberated on, so this committee is always busy.
The Standing Committee on External Affairs determines the direction of the KSA by deciding what the council should be advocating for. Recently, the External Affairs committee made the decision to push for the construction of student housing at KPU.
The Standing Committee on Environmental Sustainability is in charge of keeping KPU green. This Committee oversees all student-led environmental initiatives at KPU.
The Special Committee for Constituencies is the KSA’s social justice committee. Representatives for traditionally marginalised groups—students of colour, queer students, female students, etcetera—meet here to make sure that their voices are heard.
Students who want to be part of the the decision-making process at KPU are encouraged to get involved with KSA committees. Each of these committees include appointed, student-at-large members who are selected for year-long terms as vacancies become available. Just submit a resume and cover letter to John Shkurtaj, the chairperson of the appointments committee, at These committees are all open to the public, so any student can drop by and participate in the discussions.
“Committees are the best starting point for students to get involved with the KSA,” says McGowan. “If they want to get involved in any sort of non-profit, corporation, or government down the line, it’s really great experience to have.”