Mindfulness Helps Manage Student Stress

How to holistically handle anxiety in school

If you already sense the imminent stresses of being a student, the best way to start a successful semester is to acknowledge the need for self-care.
To control stress, it’s crucial to understand where it comes from. Solutions come easier once you understand the fundamental issues you are facing.
In his book, Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates and What You Can Do About It, Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the interaction between psychological states and neurochemistry of the frontal lobes. He says, “Modern psychiatry is doing too much listening to Prozac and not enough listening to human beings; people’s life histories should be given at least as much importance as the chemistry of their brains.”
Whether you suffer from depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, or simply everyday worries, organic de-stressing is a practice for everyone, and there are holistic ways to attack and prevent stress without a prescription.
Mary Kathryn is a homeopathic specialist at Finlandia Pharmacy & Natural Health Centre in Vancouver. Having been in the industry for over seven years, Kathryn feels that using holistic remedies makes her more mindful and addresses the root cause of a problem. According to Health Care and Consumer Choice: Medical and Alternative Therapies by Kelner Merrijoy and Beverly Wellman, a key element to using organic therapy is “the belief in the value of alternative care,” and that element of holistic wellness is integral to the healing process.
After doing research and collecting tips from homeopathic practitioners in Vancouver, I put together a list of holistic practices to use if you’re in need of self-care and de-stressing.
Essential Oils – Aromatherapy is a natural remedy commonly known to relieve anxiety. Lavender, rose, and peppermint are used to decongest the buildup of stress. It’s most beneficial to use pure essential oils that haven’t been diluted with chemicals or additives.
Rosemary – Rosemary can be found in a loose leaf or tincture. It is taken orally, primarily as an antioxidant. It promotes memory and other cognitive functions.
Oat Seed – Milky oat seed can be soaked and squeezed or found in a tincture. It is used to treat nervous debility, stress, weak nerve force, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and general fatigue.
Sudarshan Kriya Yogic (SKY) Breathing – This practice entails making sounds created by gentle contractions such as the “Ujjayi,” also known as “ocean breath.” It mentally and physically soothes those who use it and will contribute to a restful sleep. Combined with yoga postures, SKY breathing influences psychologic and stress-related disorders.
Magnesium and Minerals – Extreme stress or anxiety could be caused by a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium relaxes the nervous system. Try staying away from caffeine, alcohol, and excessive salt and sugar and eating foods rich in magnesium such as soybeans, kelp, leafy greens, avocado, almonds, and brown rice.
Epsom Salt Baths – You can find Epsom salts, which can be dissolved in a warm bath, at any drug store. Light candles, meditate, and simply relax with the salts in your bathwater.
Though all natural treatments are beneficial, be careful not to self-diagnose without confidence. Everything with a pulse holds chemistry. Take caution when mixing foreign compounds with your own, and if you’re unsure of what you need, go in for a consultation with a homeopathic specialist such as Kathryn.