From the Editor: Win fabulous prizes and support The Runner on March 27!

On March 27, we’ll be giving away three prizes to KPU students: a MacBook Air, a Nintendo Switch, and a designer Herschel backpack.
The editors of The Runner have spent the past few months working to change the Polytechnic Ink Publishing Society’s extremely out of date bylaws, which are the rules we need to abide by as a society. They were originally designed by student politicians 10 years ago, and they no longer make any practical sense for how we operate.
We need to adopt a new set of bylaws in order to function properly. Also, due to some changes to the B.C. Societies Act, we need to pass the revised bylaws in order to continue paying the members of our Board of General Purposes, whose job it is to make sure that we’re running the paper ethically. They’re paid roughly a dollar a day, and we’d like to keep it that way.
To adopt the new bylaws, we’ll need to get a minimum of 100 students in the Surrey Cedar Conference Centre on March 27, a Tuesday, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. This is where we’ll be giving out our prizes, and everyone who comes with their student card will be automatically entered into the prize draw.

The only thing that those 100 (or more) students will have to do is vote on whether or not we can pass our bylaws, which should take less than an hour. Once that’s done, we’ll hand out the Macbook, the Switch, and the backpack.
We’re counting on you, the students, to help us get this done. It’s likely that there will be less than 200 people in the room overall, so everyone who shows up has a fair chance at bringing something home with them on the 27th.
For those of you who don’t get so lucky, we’ll also have free food and drinks.
The Kwantlen Student Association will also be having its annual general meeting that day from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, and will be giving out some exciting prizes of their own. Among them are tuition vouchers and money for student clubs, and they’ll also be providing a full-on catering spread with all sorts of food throughout the day. If you stick around for the three hours between 1:00 and 4:00 pm, you can have your name entered to win all of the prizes available from both The Runner and the KSA.
Getting bylaws passed might not seem important to the average student, but they do legally dictate how we operate, and every student at KPU pays both PIPS and the KSA a fee every semester. We’re responsible to the student body and want to be able to serve you as well as we can. In order to do that, we need to have all of our important legislation tidy and up to date.
So save the date! On Tuesday March 27, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in the Surrey Cedar Conference Centre, we’ll be moving to pass our bylaws.
To check out our new bylaws, and to see how exactly they differ from the ones we currently have, visit the “Constitution and Bylaws” section of our website.