How I Cured My Road Rage With Self Care

Road rage has been a huge part of my life since childhood. Watching my dad pull the car over to get into physical altercations with people, ultimately smashing their windows and fleeing the scene, ensured that some of his bad driving habits were passed onto me.
For years, I wouldn’t think twice about hopping out of my car and reaching into the trunk for a crowbar or giving the guy that cut me off a piece of my mind.
Exhibiting this type of aggressive behaviour is not only dangerous to the drivers involved, but also to everyone else on the road. Back in August, a man was shot and killed due to a road rage incident in Vancouver, according to Global News. Incidents like these remind us how dangerous road rage can be, and that it’s every driver’s responsibility to control their own anger while behind the wheel.
With the winter season fast approaching, I knew it would be important for me to get my bad driving habits under control before I caused an accident in icy conditions.
One thing that really helps me control my temper is meditating. I take a few deep breaths when I’m angry or anxious in order to slow down the emotions that I’m experiencing. Unfortunately, meditating on the road is a little harder than it sounds. I was thinking about a solution to this problem when it hit me: What if I got a diffuser for my car?
Car fresheners have too strong of a fragrance for me, which gives me headaches, so an oil diffuser was a fitting alternative. Installing one was not only a way to get rid of the fast food smell in my car, it also helped me take a breather while driving. My anxiety is at its highest when I’m stuck in traffic and everyone is trying to shove into my lane to escape it. Now I just turn on my AA battery-powered diffuser, turn up my favourite lo-fi chill hip hop playlist on Spotify, and let all my worries melt away.
As for dealing with road rage from other drivers, the best way to avoid an altercation or damage to either vehicles is to “keep your cool, try to get out of the way, and report the incident to police as soon as it is safe,” according to The Globe and Mail.
Another method of protecting yourself and the passengers in your vehicle is to record any road rage incident you witness with your cell phone. If any of them go to court, video footage that proves your innocence and cool-headedness will definitely help your case.
For more tips on staying safe on the roads during the coming winter conditions, visit the government of B.C.’s website.