The best places for trick-or-treating
How to get the most fun out of the spooky season


Trick-or-treating, an annual tradition that takes place on Halloween, where children, and some adults dress up in a costume and go from house to house for candy.
Ask any person, and they will tell you that the time they go trick-or-treating — or rather Halloween in general — is one of their favourite parts of the year. To have the ability to dress up as anything and get free candy appeals to a lot of people no matter what age.
As a child, all that mattered about trick-or-treating was dressing up and seeing how many houses we could hit before our bags got too heavy to carry. As an adult, it has become very clear how much thought and detail my parents had put in to ensure my experience was not only fun, but also safe.
From rural neighbourhoods with several young families to apartment complexes and even malls, there are so many possibilities for places to seek out candy and fun. If you want to think and plan your trick-or-treating extravaganza strategically, look at the key areas in neighbourhoods around schools or townhouse complexes.
As a longtime resident of Langley, I hold these kinds of neighbourhoods dear to my heart. With many houses and townhouses to choose from, you can make a whole night off a single neighbourhood in Langley, based on the sheer size and demographics of the area.
Also, check out places near schools, specifically elementary schools, because a lot of the school kids will live in the area, and more kids equals more families giving out candy. Many young families live in these areas, which means there are more younger kids who likely participate in this tradition.
Many Metro Vancouver cities always have activities going on leading up to the big trick-or-treating night, such as pumpkin carving and corn mazes. If you want to venture outside of your neighbourhood, check out the Playland Hallowed Eve or the Burnaby Village Museum Halloween events for a fun family night out. For those that want a thrill, the Reaper’s Maze of Terror in Chilliwack might be for you, though it might be better suited for the adults.
You could even check out your local mall and see if they are doing some fun trick-or-treating routes for the kids.
Some households get quite enthusiastic with their decorations, adding to the joy for the kids as they walk and gather their treats. It is also fun for the adults who get to take in all the fun decorations and costumes and remember the days when that used to be them.
Whatever you choose, Halloween is meant to be fun. For adults and kids alike, it brings joy and makes everyone feel like a kid for a night. No matter where you choose to trick-or-treat or what you do, the most important thing is that everyone has fun and stays safe.