Letter to the Editor: Resources for mental health and unwanted thoughts
In response to the article titled “Men Deserve Mental Health Support Too” by Editor in Chief Kyler Emerson. Here are some gender-neutral mental health facts and tips for unwanted thoughts.
There are two types of unwanted thoughts:
Intrusive Thoughts – Thoughts that just pop into your head without warning. These unwanted thoughts can be scary, confusing, or just plain weird.
Rumination – Thinking repeatedly about something like an idea, situation, or choice especially when it interrupts normal thinking and mental functioning.
What can help:
How to Practice Mindfulness When Dealing with Unwanted Thoughts
First, acknowledge or accept the unwanted thought and label it as an intrusive or unwanted thought. Second, allow yourself to experience whatever is happening, this applies both emotionally and physically. Third, as you are no longer trying to stop the thought you can now focus on moving past it. Finally, you can tell yourself positive things such as, “Let your thoughts pass like the clouds.”
Where to get help:
Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use Center….….604-953-4900
Call a mental health professional one-on-one………….1-866-585-0445
Or Text:
For youth……….…………….68688
For adults…………………….741741