Embrace the beauty and romance of fall with these seasonal activities

From apple picking to picnics in the park, these activities are bound to make you fall in love with the season

From baking spiced desserts to spending a rainy day snuggled up in a blanket to read, there are plenty of activities to do in the fall to make the most out of the season. (Pexels/Isaac Cedercrantz)

From baking spiced desserts to spending a rainy day snuggled up in a blanket to read, there are plenty of activities to do in the fall to make the most out of the season. (Pexels/Isaac Cedercrantz)

As the vibrant green leaves of summer rust into brown and orange hues only to get swept up and twirled around by the everly increasing chill in the air, my favourite season is here — fall. 

Whether you love or hate the season, fall is romantic and has so much more to offer than pumpkin spice. For me, fall signals a period of coziness and comfort as we watch the outside world slowly morph its way into winter. With holidays like Thanksgiving and Halloween, fall provides us opportunities to spend time and make memories with our friends and families. 

In case you’re mourning the end of summer or are thrilled fall has finally arrived, here are some activities to do this time of year to enjoy and make the most out of the season. 

The most basic, and some would argue boring, fall activity I recommend is going to a pumpkin patch. I’d call myself an avid, even devoted “pumpkinpatcher” as I’ve been hitting these joints up every year since I was four. Whether it’s the tractor hay ride down to the pumpkin crops or searching for the perfect pumpkin to carve into a Halloween Jack-o’-lantern, visiting a pumpkin patch is a fall staple.

There’s multiple pumpkin patches across the Lower Mainland in each city Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s campuses reside on. I recommend visiting Rondriso Farms in Surrey for their hayride down to the fields and charming general store, and Aldor Acres in Langley for their open-air animal interactions and yummy treats.  

If you don’t feel like being basic this fall but still have the urge to harvest some fruit, try going apple picking. This activity will put you in the fall spirit and is a great way to spend time with friends and family. Check out Taves Family Farms “Applebarn” in Abbotsford where you can pick ripe Gala and Honeycrisp apples. Also there’s Abbotsford’s Willow View Farms where you can pick apples and pears, visit barn animals, and shop in their country store. 

Fall is also the perfect season for one of my all time favorite activities — baking. With Thanksgiving around the corner, try baking a pumpkin or apple pie to share with friends and family. If you want to cheat your way into baking a delicious pie, you can always buy a can of pre-made apple or pumpkin pie filling. 

Even if you’re not confident in your baking skills, give these pies a shot. I promise it will be the most memorable dessert your loved ones will eat all year, hopefully because it’s tasty and not disgusting. 

As the warm and comforting scents of cinnamon, pumpkin, and apple fill your home, the best indoor activity to unwind on a fall day is reading. I know not everyone enjoys reading, but snuggling up in a warm blanket with a cup of tea while it’s cold and rainy outside is truly unmatched. Whether it be a graphic novel or a mystery-thriller, take a day to immerse yourself in words and get carried away into a story of your interest. 

Amid these rainy, dreary days, fall does have its crisp, sunny weather. On days like these, take a break from your studies and head outside to appreciate the beauty of the season. 

Go for a walk in your neighbourhood or at a local park to take in the beautiful autumn leaves and changing landscapes. Better yet, have a picnic in the park. Picnics are usually a summer activity, but doing so in the fall is just as fun. Grab a warm drink, pack a thermos of soup or some snacks, and lots of blankets, and an activity of your choosing for a cozy, most definitely vibey, fall picnic. 

As the fall semester is underway, try some of these fall activities to take your mind off school and make the most out of this time of year. I promise, you’ll fall in love with the season.