Taylor Swift's private jet use highlights privilege and convenient ignorance

The pop star’s recent legal storm uncovers disparities of race and class

Taylor Swift's travel around the world to Eras Tour performances and NFL games make her one of the world's most carbon emitting celebrities. (Flickr/Paolo Villanueva)

Taylor Swift’s travel around the world to Eras Tour performances and NFL games make her one of the world’s most carbon emitting celebrities. (Flickr/Paolo Villanueva)

Pop sensation Taylor Swift found herself embroiled in a legal storm, this time involving a college student, Jack Sweeney, who has been tracking her private jet use. 

Accusations of stalking and harassment have led Swift’s legal team to issue a cease-and-desist letter, raising concerns about privacy, environmental impact, and even connections to white supremacy.

Swift’s legal team, from Washington-based law firm Venable, accused Sweeney of “stalking and harassing behavior,” deeming it a “life-or-death matter” for the pop star. Sweeney contended his tracking aimed to measure carbon footprints, but Swift’s team argued it goes beyond environmental concerns and into potential malicious intent.

This legal dispute echoes past controversies surrounding Swift, including accusations of white supremacy in her music and connections to the alt-right. 

In 2017, Swift’s lawyer issued a cease-and-desist letter to Meghan Herning, a blogger who linked Swift to white supremacy in a PopFront article. The article suggested that Swift’s lyrics and music video imagery subtly aligned with the alt-right movement. 

The post, addressing Taylor Swift’s absence of public political involvement, concludes by asserting that Swift’s silence on political matters is not inadvertent. Rather, it is a deliberate choice. Herning also went on to suggest that if this claim is untrue, Swift should openly declare her beliefs to the world, regardless of potential repercussions on her fan base, something that I wholly agree with, even as a Swiftie. 

In the context of 2017 America, the post argues that remaining silent in the face of injustice is interpreted as tacit support for the oppressor. Swift’s legal team vehemently denied these allegations, calling them “demonstrable and offensive falsehoods.” 

Sweeney’s previous clash with Elon Musk over tracking private jet movements adds another layer to the narrative. Musk eventually dismantled the tracking account, citing safety concerns for himself and his family. 

Swift’s environmental impact has also come under scrutiny. The estimated carbon emissions from her jet travel, roughly 14 times the average annual emissions of an American household, raise significant environmental concerns. 

While the feasibility of Swift choosing commercial flights is debated, the contrast with other celebrities who opt for such alternatives highlights questions about her environmental priorities.

The undeniable truth is that Swift, despite her immense popularity, operates within a bubble where issues of race, class, and any deviation from the white, straight, privileged norm are conveniently ignored. 

The narrative she favours revolves around themes of “cardigans” and “champagne problems,” catering primarily to her predominantly young, white female fanbase. It has become increasingly common for Swifties to elevate Swift as the epitome of contemporary feminism. 

On the surface, this adulation seems justified as she faced criticism early in her career for candidly expressing her romantic experiences through her music. However, there is a need to highlight the disparity in recognition compared to female artists from historically marginalized groups, such as Janet Jackson, Tina Turner, or even Beyoncé. These artists have engaged in similar storytelling without receiving the same level of praise.

The environmental impact of Swift’s private jet use, particularly in the lead-up to the Super Bowl after touring in Tokyo, amplifies concerns about carbon emissions. The estimated 19,400 miles of travel on her jet could result in over 200,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, emphasizing the need for accountability and sustainable choices.

The controversy surrounding Swift’s private jet use highlights a broader issue of carbon emissions disparity between the wealthy and lower-income individuals. The contrast with other celebrities opting for more environmentally conscious practices prompts questions about the choices made by individuals with significant public influence.

Feel free to label me as an anti, I’m merely expressing my honest perspective. However, I have a plea to refrain from deeming Swift as flawless, as the reality suggests otherwise. It’s an invitation to view her beyond the idealized white feminist image and acknowledge the privilege that comes with stardom.