Meet KPU: Bob Fuhr
Fuhr has been a history instructor at KPU since 1987

KPU history instructor Bob Fuhr has worked at Kwantlen since the 1980s. (Abby Luciano)

After joining Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 1987, then called Kwantlen College, history instructor Bob Fuhr saw the institute go through a number of transitions to get where it stands today.
The longest standing historian in KPU’s history department, Fuhr earned his masters of arts in American history from McGill University and pursued further graduate training at the University of British Columbia. As an American history specialist, Fuhr is most passionate about the United States from 1945 onwards with a key interest in the Nixon administration. Fuhr is also a member of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) and collects American political memorabilia.
When did you join the KPU community and why?
I was originally trained to be a high school teacher. The job market was a little slow at the time in teaching, so I thought, “I’ll just carry on with some more school,” and I ended up doing graduate studies. Then, it was a chance. There was a job for one history course instructor here, and another guy out at UBC was hired to teach it. But at the last minute, something else came up for him, so he was looking for someone who would be interested to take his place.
I didn’t even know this guy, but he asked around and my name came up. So I said, “Sure, I’ll look into it.” This was in August of 1987. Kwantlen contacted me and said, “Yeah, you can apply.” So I did and I got the job. I’ve been here ever since. The jobs are hard to get and I felt lucky I was able to get here. I truly enjoyed working at Kwantlen from the start so I never felt the need to move on. It took me a long time though to get this job at Kwantlen because I was part time here and was also working part time at Capilano College, which later became Capilano University. Eventually Kwantlen grew as the years went by and then I worked my way into a full time position. I was part time for 11 years and in 1998 I became full time at Kwantlen.
What is your favourite story of your time at KPU?
The people, both students and the faculty. I have always enjoyed being with interesting people. I’ve had a lot of very good students who have been fun to work with. My colleagues in all departments have become good friends. I would say both the social and academic life have been rewarding. I have always enjoyed going to school, so I’ve been able to stay in school all these years, so that’s all been fun. Kwantlen’s had a good diversity of students over the years that I’ve learned a lot from. People come from other regions and I learn more about different people’s backgrounds.
When I was made a permanent member of the history department at Kwantlen, that was a big happy day. I always remember that day, that I knew I had a future because at times when there were budget cutbacks, there are always dangers of being laid off. That was always a bit of a worry, but that ended when I was made permanent. I was glad to have a future and that I could be here for a while.
What is something you’d like to say to people new to KPU?
I always tell people that it’s important to try different courses to determine what one likes. Generally, people in a year or two will discover courses that they not only like but are good in. Stick with those because there is quite a bit of opportunity that comes. Even just getting a general degree in arts, there is a wide range of opportunities that grow out of that. So I always tell people as students to try and be exposed to different fields, and then out of that, generally one will discover the studies that they enjoy most and stick with those. Opportunities do come. There’s quite a few people who say, “Oh, that’s useless” when getting a history degree. But the skills one learns in history can be applied to a lot of different professions, like sales, teaching, law, and journalism. So there are good opportunities that can come in later years.
What are you working on or doing right now?
I’m just wrapping up the spring semester with the final grades in and am preparing to teach one online condensed Canadian History 1113 class in the May-June session.
What is something you’d like people to know about you?
I am a long term Vancouver Canucks season ticket holder. I’m attending all of the playoff games this spring.