Breaking down my New Year’s resolutions for 2025

There’s no better time than now to make goals and hold yourself accountable to them

Art by Sarah Nelson.

Art by Sarah Nelson.

For most people, myself included, 2024 went by in a blur — and so have the past few years. 

Now that 2025 has arrived, we can start making our resolutions. It’s time to think about what we want to achieve and what we have been meaning to get done. 

This year, I have made many resolutions that I plan on achieving. One of my main goals is to get a driver’s licence. This has been in the back of my head for too long, and there’s no better time than the new year to actually go through with it. I’ve often thought that driving was an optional skill, and that public transportation was a better solution. But I’ve proven myself wrong, which is why it’s now my main priority. 

Another thing I plan on achieving is getting a part-time job. This is also a big priority given the fact that I’m in dire need of money. Since I cannot afford to wait until next year to achieve these goals, I plan on putting as much effort as it takes to achieve them.

I’ve heard from many people that making resolutions is bad luck, and that you should “go with the flow” instead, but I disagree. It’s important to have a list of things that you want to achieve because that’s one of the best ways you can improve yourself rather than going through the year without anything in mind.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you must have your whole life planned out. These resolutions can simply be for the next few months. Writing them down and making a list of steps needed in order to achieve them is an even smarter thing to do. 

Last year was quite a journey for me. It was difficult at times because it was my first year in university. The shift from high school to post-secondary was quite hard and it took me a while to get used to, but now I can say that I’m enjoying this lifestyle very much. 

Apart from the hurdles, there were many fun and new things that happened last year. Over the summer, I went on trips with my friends for the first time, which was a new experience. I also met a few new people and made friends.

On one hand, I’m glad 2024 brought new people and experiences into my life, for which I’m eternally grateful. One the other, I find it a bit upsetting that this decade is now more than half way over and time is passing by surprisingly fast. This is why it’s important to make the most out of every single day and treat it like it’s your last. 

I try not to have any regrets, which is why one of my resolutions for 2025 is to try or learn something new everyday.

I’m excited to see what the new year brings and I plan to achieve my resolutions, work hard in school, and improve myself as a person overall, which is something everyone should try in 2025.