Survive and thrive: The ins and outs of 2025 for university students

As a new chapter opens, it’s time to get rid of bad habits and develop some healthy ones

Art by @RESLUS.

Art by @RESLUS.

Welcome to 2025. I’m glad you’re here and surviving — sleepy eyes, messy hair, and everything else that comes with another semester of university. 

We all know student life can be rough, so let’s dive deep into the ins and outs of surviving university so you can thrive while surviving — or at least try to. 


In: Having study parties with your friends

Let’s bring in study parties this year because studying by yourself is tedious and unmotivating as a student. Universities everywhere, including right here at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, offer study rooms — or something similar — for students to book, so take advantage of it!

Fetch a couple of snacks, get out your books, grind away, and pull out the occasional TikTok video to keep things lighthearted and fun. 


Out: Buying overpriced coffee 

I know the Starbucks girlies do not want to hear this, but like you, I’m a Starbucks lover who has difficulty coming to terms with this one. As someone who visited the famous coffee chain almost every day in 2024 to survive pulling off my last-minute, all-night cramming sessions, I can tell you that is so last year! Well, at least that’s what I am leaving behind in 2024.

Buying a coffee machine and being your own barista at home is so in for 2025. 


In: Sleep, please sleep 

Coming from a student who thought it was a good idea to eat chips and ice cream every night at 2:00 a.m., I am here to tell you to put the treats away and get some sleep. Falling asleep in class is just asking for trouble in 2025.

Mindlessly scrolling Instagram and TikTok and looking at cat videos seems ideal, but sleep equals good memory and focus for students. Do you remember what I wrote in the first sentence of this story? Probably not, but I know the folks reading this are most likely sleep-deprived students. Please go to bed!


Out: Procrastination

It’s self-explanatory that we are all guilty of this issue as students, but that does not mean we must continue this bad habit in 2025. I know some of you work well under pressure, but take my word for it — do not hold off on it until tomorrow. 


In: Staying organized

It’s a simple thing you can do, but it goes a long way as a student. Instead of buying overpriced coffee, buy a planner and fancy pens to jot down all your due dates and tasks for the school semester. A planner fits into the student aesthetic so much so that it will convince the classmate beside you to get one, too. A planner will make tasks that seem unbearable easy to do. 


Out: Negative self-talk

Stop bullying yourself in your head. Instead, encourage your mind to be positive. Our brains cram tons of information, so much so it can feel like they want to explode. Try to nourish your brain with positive thoughts, even in the most challenging times. 


In: Building great relationships with your instructors

Please do not attend class and scroll on your phone for three hours. Be engaged with the subject and ask your instructors questions when necessary. This shows you want to be there and put in the effort.

Trust me, instructors notice these things and will appreciate you as a student for it. Ask your instructors how their day is going. Little things like this build connections with your instructors that will help you during your time at university. 

We’ve closed the chapter of 2024 and are opening a new chapter for 2025. Let’s make this chapter the best one yet with this survival guide by your side.