Level up your summer fun at KPU with these upcoming course offerings
From creative writing to astronomy, there are engaging courses for everyone this summer semester

Art by Chelsea Lai.

Do you need to take classes this summer semester but still want to make the most of the season? Well don’t worry because there are ways to level up your 2025 summer fun.
Whether you are a planet enthusiast, an aspiring writer, or just wanting to take an easy elective, there are many courses to consider enrolling in at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Here are some course recommendations that will put the fun in your summer this year.
CRWR 1100: Introduction to Creative Writing I
Have you ever wanted to strengthen your writing skills in fiction and poetry? If so, I have the class for you.
As the title suggests, this course is about being creative in the pieces you write over the semester. It will teach students how to practise narrative techniques so they can write compelling stories. Students will also explore figurative and descriptive language basics, such as metaphors and imagery to create deep, engaging stories.
I recommend this course to everyone because you will explore your creative side through writing, which KPU instructor and author Billeh Nickerson gives you all the freedom to do. He is a great instructor and he keeps the class fun and engaging. Catch him teaching this course on the Surrey campus on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:50 pm.
KPU instructor and poetry and fiction author Aislinn Hunter will be teaching a condensed section of this course on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 12:50 pm also on the Surrey campus.
The course has the following attributes: Faculty of Arts (ARTS), Assoc. Degree Transferable (ASTR), and Pathway 3 (PW_3). Prerequisites include Grade 12 English studies, completion of ENGL 1100, ENGQ 1099, ABEE 0091, PSPE 1091, or ENGPP 1091, the Kwantlen English Placement Test placement, or an LPI essay score of 26.
EDUC 1100: Introduction to Higher Education
This was one of the first classes I took at KPU. I am so thankful the university had a course like this to help students who have graduated high school transition into post-secondary education.
As a new university student, you will learn about different strategies such as time management to help you navigate your post-secondary studies. The transition to post-secondary can be overwhelming, and this course makes students feel welcome and excited about their time with the university.
This is an easy-A course, and you can find six class sections offered this summer with various times and great instructors to choose from. You can register for this course as long as you are in an undergraduate program at KPU. There are no prerequisites and no textbooks required — what a bonus!
This course’s attributes are as follows: ARTS, ASTR, and Pathway 2 (PW_2).
COMM 1100: Foundations of Communication Studies
This course is an essential introduction to communication concepts. Students will learn the meaning of different types of communication, such as mass and group communication. The course will explore communication theories, perspectives, and how those theories and perspectives relate to how and why communication happens.
I recommend taking this course to build on your communication and critical thinking skills. It is also an easy-A elective with no prerequisites or textbook requirements. Six of these introductory classes will be offered this summer at KPU, with the option of taking them online or in person. This is the perfect course to do while relaxing at the beach this summer.
This course has the following attributes: ARTS and ASTR
ASTR 1100: Introduction to Astronomy
This course is for all planet enthusiasts! Students will learn about the stars, solar system, Milky Way, and galaxies. How fun is that? And guess what? Students at KPU do not need to specialize in the sciences to take this course.
Students should take this course because it is an engaging and fun way to learn about the galaxies in the sky. Five sections of this introductory course will be offered this summer, with the option of taking it online or in person. Studying the stars never sounded so fun!
This course’s attributes are as follows: ASTR, quantitative (QUAN), and Faculty of Science (SCIH).
From creative writing to astronomy, KPU has fun and engaging classes for everyone this summer. Grab your laptop and hit the beach for extra summer fun with your studies.