PAT organize coat drive for the community
Kwantlen’s President’s Ambassadorial Team are looking for students to donate gently used coats for local shelters.
Kwantlen’s President’s Ambassadorial Team are looking for students to donate gently used coats for local shelters.
By Matthew Bossons [travel bureau chief]

This holiday season the President’s Ambassadorial Team (PAT), a group of 17 students representing the President of Kwantlen Polytechnic University, is organizing its first-ever coat-drive to collect winter clothing for Lower Mainland homeless shelters.
The team is asking KPU students to donate lightly used coats, as well as new socks, toques, gloves and mittens. The PAT is also accepting cash donations to purchase more winter clothing for donation.
“The coats and other items can be dropped off at any KPU library,” said Ryan Keigher, a PAT Board Member. “There is a box covered in Christmas wrapping where it can be placed.”
“We are accepting these donations up until December 13th, so the last day of classes.”
Campus donations will be given to charities in their community. The donations are being distributed through the Salvation Army as well as The Front Room in Whalley.
A bake sale has also been suggested as a way to raise money to buy new winter clothing for the coat-drive.
“We are also trying to organize bake sales in order to raise funds to purchase some new gloves and socks,” said Trishia Coburn, a PAT member and driving force behind the coat-drive. “Those who would be willing to contribute some baked goods for this cause could contact me.”
“Lately people have been complaining about how cold it is outside, or having to wait five minutes to catch a bus or a ride,” said Keigher, “however this is only temporary for the students at KPU.”
“There are those who are not as fortunate as us, and we need to remember this. We can all make a difference.”
Those interest in contributing baked goods can contact Trisha at