Meet the candidates of the KSA election
Get to know their platforms, their reasons for running, and why they think you should vote for them.

Get to know their platforms, their reasons for running, and why they think you should vote for them.
By The Runner
It’s that time of year again, students. This year the pickings are sparse; all but one of the races are uncontested. However, that’s not to say that your vote still can’t make a difference. All the candidates who are running unopposed will be up for a yes/no vote, meaning that their political future is in your hands.
Faculty of Academic + Career Advancement (2 positions)
Chanel Kwong
Candidate Statement: I am currently the Academic and Career Advancement Representative and I would like to continue on in this position. I recently graduated from high school where I was involved in Air Cadets, was Vice-President for the Service Club, acted as student leader for several other clubs, and was an active volunteer at South Vancouver Neighborhood House. Recently, I have been involved in AIESEC at Kwantlen as the Corporate Communication Specialist and as the VP of Education for Kwantlen Toastmasters. I have gained many skills from all these experiences, and will bring them to my position in the KSA.
Faculty of Arts (4 positions)
Michelle Brewer, first year criminology
Previous KSA Experience: current student life committee member
Reason for running: I have a lot of ideas for great events and philanthropy that we could do with the university and I figure I could have a better chance of doing that if I was on the student council as opposed to being just a committee member.
Why should students vote for you: I believe in raising money for charity; I believe we should have fun. Other universities I’ve attended, or that my friends attend, they have weekly beer gardens or other types of events that are really fun and a great way for students to meet each other and create strong bonds. Like some of my old college buddies, we’re still really, really good friends, like we were in freshman year and all the way through our degrees.
Kayla England, first year policy study, minor in political science.
KPU Extracurriculars: Grey Matters philosophy club
Previous KSA Experience: former student life committee member
Reason for running: I was actually outraged. This September, they increased parking fees at the Impark parking lot which is at all the campuses. Impark runs the parking, and just recently, this September, they increased the fees without any notice and without any notification to students. I’m actually going to try to lower those fees and try to make parking more affordable for students.
Why should students vote for you: I’m also going to try to lower the KSA fees for everybody, because there’s been a lot of extra money the the KSA produces, that I want to try to lower the fees for everybody in general.
Candidate Statement: Students often find it difficult to choose a candidate as our busy lives keep us pre-occupied with our own personal issues and studies. There are larger issues we care about but often we cannot devote the time to address them. I vow to address these issues. As a former member of the Canadian Forces and employee of Justice Canada, I am up to the challenge and, if elected, will use my experience to fight for lower student fees and better parking options among other important student issues. Elect me and have a voice to fight for your student rights.
Samantha Klassen
Profile: Unavailable for comment.
Candidate Statement: None submitted.
Fatima Zaidi, second year criminology
KPU Extracurriculars: START volunteer; Student leadership conference 2012; student orientation leader
Previous KSA Experience: incumbent faculty of arts representative; chair of student life committee; governance committee member
Reason for running: I really love representing students and I love having the opportunity to create opportunities for other students. its kind of a passion of mine, and I’ve really enjoyed my time on board working with students and talking to students.
Why should students vote for you: Students should vote for me because of what i’ve done in the KSA so far, just developing this writing program. I’ve brought the KSA and the university together through the student life committee. I have the people from the university showing up to the standing committee on student life. I’m also working on connecting us with the athletics and recreation department and working together for student involvement. One thing I’m working on is celebrating students’ birthdays. If it’s a student’s birthday they bring in their student ID and another piece of ID that has their birthday on it and they claim a free gift from the office just to get them to talk to the KSA a bit more. I tend not to get involved with politics; I do my own thing, I represent students and I do my job to the best of my abilities.
Candidate Statement: My name is Fatima Zaidi and I want to be re-elected as the Faculty of Arts Representative. During my term as a board director, I became the Chair of Student Life Committee facilitating meetings and helping organize events such as the Welcome Week, I became a member of Governance Committee and helped amend regulations and improve the structure of KSA, and as the Faculty of Arts representative, I created Kwantlen’s first nine week Academic Writing Program to help students improve their academic writing skills. If re-elected I plan to continue representing students at the council and creating opportunities for students.
Faculty of Business
Gaurav Kumar (Bhulla), second year accounting
Started at KPU: January 2011
Previous KSA Experience: incumbent faculty of academic and career advancement representative.
Why should students vote for you: If any [different] faculty students want to come and meet me and want to talk about me, or the KSA, if they want to organize an event and need my help, then yeah I’m here ready to help.
Candidate Statement: I am running for position of Business Representative. I believe that the KSA plays an amazing role in student life. I have always been the type of person, who wants to help people in any way possible. I have been working with KSA as Faculty of ACA representative. I can speak for students and can offer them help within the school. My goal is to find out what it will take to better student life and involvement at the Campus. I would like to help build a functional and exciting student life for Kwantlen. Vote for me, I do stuff!
Morgan Mckee
KPU Extracurriculars: Women Organizing Opportunities for Women club; START volunteer
Previous KSA Experience: current external affairs committee member
Reason for running: I think it was a combination of coaxing from my friends, in addition to the fact I think that I have some skills I can bring to the table that could be beneficial.
Why should students vote for you: My experience with public relations and business administrations. I think its important that [the] KSA voices the concerns of students on campus. I definitely hope that if I was to obtain the position of business representative that I would be able to be that voice and have an impact with the KSA
Candidate Statement: As a volunteer with START, member of the WooW club, and recently appointed to the External Affairs Committee, I am appealing for your support. With experience in public relations, and business administration, I have acquired skills relevant for a Business Representative position. A personal ambition of mine, is to address the inequality and the under representation of minority groups in upper levels of Canadian businesses. In addition, I am hoping to take your voices to a level of priority and importance, and to grow a healthy, happy, Kwantlen student business community. Use Your Voice, Make A Choice, Make It MORGAN.
Yasir Raja, fourth year business
KPU Extracurriculars: Cricket club
Previous KSA Experience: incumbent faculty of business representative
Reason for running: I think it is a good experience, as I said before, its an awesome experience where you are giving the overall picture of the organizationto, you get to meet potential clients or suppliers, you get to interact with a lot of people and faculty and its a good experience to help students also.
Why should students vote for you: We held different networking events and we called potential employers who would hire Kwantlen students, especially business students. Our business faculty and school of business is awesome, its way better than most schools in B.C. and even through the well known so that being said, students wants good classes or more classes to be offered, thats also a part of it, or networking events especially if they want to get into accounting.
Candidate Statement: My mission in the KSA Student Council is to enhance the school experience for students within the faculty by planning scholarly and social events, promoting on campus health and fitness, and creating relationships with the community/Student Clubs to provide volunteer and career opportunities. I will be here to coordinate and encourage all student activities within scope of Kwantlen Polytechnic University. I will work with the administration and faculty in all matters affecting the welfare of the student body.
Faculty of Science + Horticulture (1 position)
Andrew Yergatian, first year sustainable horticulture
KPU Extracurriculars: Horticulture greenhouse club
Previous KSA Experience: None. I don’t even know who they are.
Reason for running: I’d like to see what they’re all about, what liberties they have and what they can bring about and what their goals are. I know nothing about them, and that’s after being here for over a year and still not knowing nothing about them. They’re either completely redundant or they’re just not doing something right, maybe, perhaps. I’m there to find out.
Why should students vote for you: There’s nobody else representing the science faculty, so it’ll be nice to have someone there, in case they want to say something to the KSA. I can be the pathway through which other people can talk.
Candidate Statement: I’m a sustainable agriculture student. I can be your voice in the KSA council.
Langley Campus (1 position)
Jennifer Campbell, third year business
KPU Extracurriculars: Glee club
Previous KSA Experience: former director of academic affairs; incumbent Langley representative; current deputy speaker; chair of student services committee; chair of governance committee
Reason for running: To keep on going. My first three terms were really great. I got to do a whole a lot for the Langley students, however, due to power shifts and different structures in the KSA, [it’s] moved from that position to more not being for the students and I really don’t like that and I want to makes sure we get back to it being for all the students we’re supposed to represent.
Why should students vote for you: I’ve done a lot for the Langley campus, making sure that they get everything they deserve. A lot of events happen in Surrey and Richmond because they have the biggest population, which makes sense, but leaving out two other campuses that really have an amazing group of people, and people who don’t come out to Surrey. Langley has the music and the horticulture program, and now the nursing program, which is strictly just in Langley, so they’re losing out. So I try to do as much as I can for those students who are there and try to represent them as best as I can, because they’re being left out and their voices should be heard.
Candidate Statement: It has been an honour representing Langley students for the past 5 years. During the past 5 years I have created and implemented many new events. I also lobbied and got the Langley Member Services and Health/Dental Office open 5 days a week. I have represented Kwantlen students at CFS National and Provincial meetings. Since 2008 it has been my mission to get more services and events for Langley students. I have lobbied for more Langley oriented Multi-Pass exemptions. Please vote YES for me to once again be your Representative.
Richmond Campus (1 position)
Juntao (Davis) Xu
Candidate Statement: My name is Juntao(Davis) Xu; I have been a volunteer working for student for more than two years and studying in Kwantlen for more than three years. I understand the need and feeling of the students. Vote for me as the Richmond representative, let students in Richmond campus have a chance to speak out their demands. If I am honoured to be elected as the representative of Richmond students, I am representing your ideas, your needs, and your concerns. We need your supports to make our Richmond Campus a better place to learn, to live, and to love.
Surrey Campus
Kirpanpreet Dhillon, second year criminology
KPU Extracurriculars: Bhangra club
Reason for running: Actually, I had a friend [who was] Surrey representative. So I came to know about what’s KSA and I found something interesting in KSA. Like I want to know what’s KSA and what’s Surrey representative. Because, for my failures and successes, I know how to best represent students.
Why should students vote for you: Because I want to do something for students. That’s the big reason. Because I want to do something for them, for me, for everyone.
Candidate Statement: Vote Kirpanpreet for Surrey Representative! I am a criminology student in Kwantlen University College; I have great interest to work with KSA. If you give me a chance, I would like to add some more ingredients to make variety of events more delicious on the surrey campus such as academic related programs and extra curricular activities and many more. Having learned from my successes and failures, I learned how to represent the needs and voices of students. So please vote YES for me to be your representative.
Aboriginal students (1 position)
Melinda Bige, third year sociology
KPU Extracurriculars: AbOriginal Resurgence Community, Women Organizing Opportunities for Women; Pride Kwantlen.
Previous KSA Experience: incumbent.
Reason for running: I’m running to see the completion of projects regarding the aboriginal students on campus.
Why should students vote for you: I’m the only candidate and I’m passionate about the work I do and that advocacy is important.
Candidate Statement: As the past Aboriginal Representative in the past I have taken my role as advocate seriously. Students are the only reason I have filled this position in the past. I hope to continue the work I do and leave a strong legacy for aboriginal students. I have a passion for social justice. In the past our collective has successfully hosted a drum making workshop, the salmon bbq, an aboriginal day and drum circles. Upcoming are plans to work intersectionally with all our constituencies.
International students (1 position)
Jasmine Kaur Sudhan, third year business management
KPU Extracurriculars: Women Organizing Opportunities for Women club.
Previous KSA Experience: former student life committee member.
Reason for running: Because I wanted to. Being in student life committee, I have seen the problems international students are facing. And then, I want to help them. There are some things that need to come in line right.
Why should students vote for you: That’s their choice. I can’t pressurize them that they should vote for me. But I can request them that they should vote for me because I want to be their voice. It’s not that I am thinking about myself only, I want to be their voice for this.
Candidate Statement: Elect Jasmine as International Student Liaison! It will be an honour representing International Students for the coming year. I had worked as Standing Member in Student Life Committee and that took my attention towards the challenges faced by International Students. If elected, I promise to work in best interest of everyone with loyalty and true concern. My aim is to create a strong International Committee and bring problems faced by International Students in lime light. To enhance every culture is another motive. I promise to fulfill all responsibilities. Make this happen, by making me a representative of your voice.
Ming Li
Candidate Statement: I would like to announce that I am running for the position of International Students Representative. Based on my international student background, different cultures had developed my ability to get along with different kind of nationalities. I will try my best to create colourful life for students with international background. Past working experience in KSA has equipped me with practice and knowledge for students’ life. I am hardworking, responsible and with pleasing personality. I am motivated to devote my energy and time to all international students that will develop our multiple cultures.
Mature students (1 position)
Ahmad Kheslat, first year business management
Reason for running: I’m a bit older now. being a mature student, I would be able to know what mature students go through and what they really want, so I thought that might be a good position to go with.
Why should students vote for you: being a mature student i have my work experience, I’ve got the capacity to deal with different issues, I’m innovative, I can innovate things which comes up and try to level up different projects.
Candidate Statement: I have returned to continue my education after several years. I feel great that I am caring on with my studies, knowing that I will enhance my learning. Being a mature student, I probably have gone through most of what other mature students have gone through. I know the problems that mature students face balancing work with university. Let’s get together to share and work towards a brighter future.
Queer students (1 position)
Lydia Luk, third year sociology
KPU Extracurriculars: Presidential diversity and equity committee; Positive Space Campaign
Previous KSA Experience: Incumbent queer students representatives
Reason for running: I would like to be able to use my resources and my experience to bring people together and have queer student voices be heard and explore and have fun and see what we can do and hopefully some other people will be inspired and will have the skills to take it on after me. lets keep it going! I feel very lucky to be in this position so I hope to be able to continue in this work.
Why should students vote for you: There’s so much work to be done and I would love to involve more students to be part of that and I would love to continue and add onto new things. I think this is a unique opportunity and time and space for Kwantlen; there’s so many movements happening. The real package of being in post secondary is not just going to class but being involved with all sorts of aspects of school and student life. Even though I’m queer rep I love the opportunities it’s given me to work with the women’s group, students of colour, mature students, aboriginal students. Its just really a great time for us to get involved so I hope people see that in me and in themselves and that I’ll be the right person to do so.
Candidate Statement: Over the last few years, we have worked to hard to make Kwantlen a more open and safe place for everyone. We now have the social justice space and the Pride Office in Surrey, open 4 days a week. We have joined President Davis in creating a university-wide diversity committee. We have created the Social Justice league, along with Aboriginal students, students of colour, and the women’s club to support each other and fight for social justice. Vote to reelect Lydia Luk as queer students representative to continue more positive changes for all students.
Students of Colour (1 position)
Richard Hosein, second year policy studies
KPU Extracurriculars: president of Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy club; vice president of Kwantlen University Policy Students for Sustainability; CIRCLE; Women Organizing Opportunities for Women; cochair 2013 student leadership conference.
Previous KSA Experience: incumbent student’s of colour representative; current external affairs committee member.
Reason for running: There’s several initiatives I wanted to continue. I was elected in a by-election so I haven’t had a full term yet. I want to have a full term to show the students what I’m capable of. I think more students would be conducive in attending a multicultural fest than a cram jam that might have some bands they’ve never heard about or care about, but everyone has heard of people from different cultures and I think everyone intrigued about getting to know about other cultures; it encourages diversity and inclusion on campus.
Why should students vote for you: I think I’m a very active student around campus, and I do have a genuine passion to make student life as good as it can be provided with what we have. with my position on the KSA and with external affairs I will continue to lobby on behalf of the students with the rest of the committee to make students experiences in university the best it can be.
Candidate Statement: My name is Richard Hosein, I am the current Students of Colour Representative at KPU. I have embarked on my current academic path in an effort to legitimize my passion for social, environmental, and economic justice. I am involved with various initiatives and clubs around campus including: KSA, 2013 Student Leadership Conference, CIR:CLE, AIESEC-Kwantlen, Kwantlen University Policy Students for Sustainability (KUPSS), Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP-KPU), and the Federal and Provincial Green Parties. I can continue to assist self-identified Students of Colour with perseverance and determination to make a significant impact in student life for my fellow students.