If Kwantlen’s Campuses Were Students in Your Class

By: Connor Doyle & Danielle George
Cloverdale is…The Tech Geek.

- Furrowed brow says he’s probably the hardest working member of class.
- Power glove gives Cloverdale +2 to welding, masonry.
- Constantly fiddling with wires. Rumours that he is in fact a cyborg remain unfounded.
- Most Likely To: Test his Kerbal Space Program theories out in real life.
- In a group project Cloverdale will: Volunteer to handle all the Powerpoint stuff.
Richmond is…The Fashionable One.

- Always on top of the latest trends, mostly because he decides what they are.
- Satchel filled with design concepts for small businesses, friend’s band.
- Occasionally becomes confused and disoriented trying to navigate hallways.
- Most Likely To: Become one with his Instagram account.
- In a group project Richmond will: Contribute one really cool idea then spend the rest of the time doodling in his notebook.
NOT PICTURED: Richmond’s little sister, The Chip and Shannon Wilson School of Design.
Surrey is…The All-Star.

- Inflated sense of self importance. Clearly considers himself the “most important one.”
- Sort of hard to argue with him, though. He’s good at everything.
- A consummate athlete, though his sports career has come into question lately due to an unforeseen knee injury (read: budget constraints).
- Most Likely To: Periodically forget he is not the centre of the universe.
- In a group project Surrey will: Appoint himself group leader, insist everyone meet at his place.
Langley is…The Chill Dude.

- Total musicophile. You have GOT to check out his record collection.
- Only drinks craft beer, has lots of opinions about it.
- What’s that he’s growing? Basket Stuffers? Some New Guinea Impatiens? Weed? We’ll never tell.
- Pet cat. Keeps the mice away.
- Most Likely To: Achieve nirvana.
- In a group project Langley will: Not show up a lot, causing the others to doubt his existence.