Ways to party this spring without breaking Covid restrictions

With strict COVID-19 restrictions, most university students are unable to fulfill their dreams of throwing and/or attending wild parties. Coming up with a solution for everyone, including the extroverts, introverts, and everything in-between-troverts has been a challenging journey. With extensive brainstorming and research on the COVID-19 guidelines in British Columbia, I present to you: a tea party with your animals.
This party alone should be enough to fulfil the extroverts because who doesn’t like hanging out with their fur-babies? This is not your regular booze-filled, forced to socialize with others type of party, it only includes those who care and love you back. Having a tea party is calm, relaxing, and a time to vibe with your pets. Pet treats are somewhat cheaper than human foods and animals are much easier to please. Your fur-companions will not judge you or your party but show appreciation instead. Just make sure the party snacks and tea are safe for your fur-baby!
If the tea party with your pets is not enough, there is another option for the extroverts. With social gatherings up to 10 people being allowed outdoors, you can potentially throw a mini party in your backyard or at a nearby park. For individuals who absolutely need the human interactions and socialization experience, this option is well suited for you. Just remember, the 10 people gathering should not change – stick with the same 10 people every time you do a gathering.
Lastly, for the introverts who miss social interactions but do not want to leave their residence, having an online party is totally acceptable. Using any application or even social media to connect with your friends in real time is more accessible than ever! You also have the option to turn on or off your camera and to mute or unmute your mic. Depending on the application you use, you can set a cool background theme which can help protect the privacy of your room or serve as an exciting feature when video calling your friends. As an added bonus, you can eavesdrop into conversations without being part of it and obtain the rare dosage of human interaction through this way.
COVID-19 has put a temporary halt to our normal way of life, but by being creative and finding innovative ways to throw a party without breaking COVID-19 restrictions is possible. When meeting friends and extended family outdoors, please wear a mask at all times, sanitize your hands, and maintain a safe distance. Good luck and have fun!