Plant milk doesn’t have to come from just soybeans
There are many other plants we can milk

We need the juice! (Flickr/ waferboard)

I have fond memories as a kid falling face-first into the grass and making eye-contact with a dandelion inches from my nose. I plucked the fluffy weed from the earth, ripped it in half, and tasted it’s yellow juices; my face squelching into a raisin upon tasting the foul liquid. Dandelion milk is also known as “happy juice” in the early 2000s cartoon Eckhart that featured whimsical old-timey mice characters.
There are many different alternatives to cow milk, like almond, soy, rice, hemp, cashew, and coconut milk. With the surplus of milk substitutes available to us, there is nothing stopping us from looking at other alternatives for those with acquired tastes.
While the mice used it as an alternative to water, clearly the “happy juice” can be obtained and could be another dairy alternative in spring and summer. Although weeds in general are painstaking to remove and a blight on the garden, they hold the potential for some transcendental food products. Besides, some believe there could be a few health benefits from dandelion juice based on very minimal research not all conducted on humans. Since most healthy things taste gross, as a rule, dandelion milk is probably great for you.
It’s like a healthier form of alcohol, but instead of getting drunk and tipsy, you feel energetic and bursting with motivation.We need the juice!
Another alternative food we should make use of more often for its milk is pumpkin. Since some people are especially ecstatic of pumpkin-spice drinks, pumpkin milk would be the next best thing. It tastes like orange squash, has a similar satisfaction to cow milk, and would go excellent with any cookie. Pumpkin milk is made from the seeds, and you can have it with pulp or no pulp!
Reject conformist modernity, embrace the plant milk.