KPU will offer longer rentals for laptops in the fall semester

The student laptop loan program is being updated

Starting in September, KPU will update their student loan laptop program to ensure more access to students. (Pexels/Yan Krukau/Keet Kailey)

Starting in September, KPU will update their student loan laptop program to ensure more access to students. (Pexels/Yan Krukau/Keet Kailey)

Editor’s Note: The article has been updated for accuracy. The Runner regrets the error. 

Starting September, each Kwantlen Polytechnic University library location will offer laptops on a daily, first-come, first-serve basis instead of semesterly.

Seventy-six laptops will be available across the campuses at the end of August with students able to ask for a laptop at the library service counter. If the laptops don’t meet the demand during the fall semester, IT will provide more. 

However, “there is no plan to provide enough laptops for all students,” wrote KPU library resources technician Debbie Smith in an email statement to The Runner

“We had a lot of demand for student laptops, and we felt that by shifting the program to focus on short-term loans, we [will be] able to provide greater access to our students,” says Reza Khakbaznejad, chief information officer at KPU. 

Khakbaznejad says the loan program was based on a first-come, first-serve basis during the COVID-19 pandemic due to students not being on-campus regularly and having no access to the library facilities.

He says the short-term loans will ensure access to laptops for students who need them for a shorter period.

“We work very closely with the library staff and they’re the ones who are really at the frontline administering this. We have made sure that there is a pool of laptops available across the campuses through the library.”

The loan period for short-term laptop loans will go from seven days to one. 

Khakbaznejad says the loan program will change for the fall semester to give students enough notice to prepare and provide wider access. The university will keep monitoring the program to provide additional laptops if needed due to greater demand and work with the library staff to ensure adequate access. 

“If the need is more than what we have, we are prepared to have that conversation with our folks and staff in the library and make the necessary changes to make sure that as many of our students have access to these laptops,” he says. 

When placing a request, students must have a valid KPU card. The program is available only to students registered for classes in the fall semester. 

For students without a laptop, desktops can still be accessed in library computer labs.

Students who don’t have access to a laptop are also eligible for discounts through the Dell Member Purchase Program by signing up with their student email address at Students with exceptional financial needs can reach out to Student Awards and Financial Assistance at