My top five music genres to help you stay focused

From hardcore rock to soft and delicate classical, there’s a genre for everyone

Art by Meher Breja

Art by Meher Breja

University life can be tough. We not only have to juggle our social life, which includes our family, friends, and mental health, but also stay on top of our coursework. Here are five genres of music I recommend to ensure a productive yet groovy study session, whether alone or with friends. 


Classical Music

Although it may sound tedious and exceedingly boring, classical music proves to be a well recommended genre of music to listen to while studying. There’s a certain calmness in the soft strings of the violin and the delicate keys over the piano. 

Whether you are listening to the well renowned Dmitri Shostakovich Suite for Jazz Orchestra No.2 or the ever powerful Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, classical music soothes the soul, even if only temporarily. Classical music is best listened to on rainy days with a coffee in hand. If you’re wondering, yes, young people are allowed to listen to classical music too. If you’re in need of a good classical playlist to listen to, I recommend “Classical Essentials” on Spotify. 


Pop Music 

Pop music is best when in need of some good study tunes. Though it may seem loud, energetic, and distracting while studying, it actually has its benefits. 

Oftentimes when you are in a slump over a difficult math problem, having music that is lively and powerful can lift you right out of your gloomy mood. From Dua Lipa to Katy Perry, you’ll be guaranteed to be up and out of your seat dancing and singing the lyrics, feeling energized, and ready to study. I’m going to be frank here, if that doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will. You can listen to the latest pop hits on the “Pop Favourites” playlist on Spotify. 


“Rock n Roll” 

In the mood for some good old “Rock n Roll?” The head bobbing and heavy instrumentals are sure to get your adrenaline flowing during exam season. Sometimes you just gotta sit back, let the music move you, and hopefully lead you to academic success. Some iconic rock music of the decades includes bands such as AC/DC, The Clash, and The Beatles. Check out the “Rock Favourites” playlist on Spotify to browse through the top rock tracks. 



If you desire something toned down that’s more of a background music vibe, ballads are a perfect choice. Although you may get teary-eyed and emotional every now and then, ballads are a good way to ease your mind into focus. 

There’s nothing like a little Beyoncé or Rihanna to get into the ballad mindset. However, ballads don’t have to be all that sad as there can be different genres within the genre like power, love, or simply emotion. I recommend checking out the “Ballads to belt” playlist on Spotify for both classic and new ballad hits. 



Finally, one of the best mood enhancers and confidence boosters would have to be hip-hop. Whether you have lightning speed ability to rap as fast as Eminem or you’re purely vibing with Drake, hip-hop proves to be one of the most influential music genres of our time. Its witty lyrics can also be poetic due to how eloquent and fluent rappers flow from one verse to the next. Be sure to check out “the top 100 most recognizable hip hop songs of all-time” playlist on Spotify. 

These are five of the many genres of music to get you into the studying mood and achieve that A+ on your next exam or assignment. These can all be accessed through Spotify, and YouTube Music.