McDonald’s shakes it up with McShaker Fries
Test your taste buds with these unique masala and churro-flavoured fries before June 17

McDonald's newest, limited-time menu item is the McShaker Fries. (Brylian Marin)

After the Grimace Shake finally arrived in Canada, only to be taken off the menu shortly after, McDonald’s shook up their offerings with another special food item.
Available to purchase this month at select locations, McShaker Fries are the franchise’s newest food item. These fries are the same as the regular fries you’d expect to receive at any McDonalds, but there’s a key difference that sets them apart from the standard.
McShaker Fries come with a packet of flavouring and a unique paper bag to shake everything together in. As of right now, there’s only two flavour options to choose from — masala and churro. Regardless of which flavour you choose, you can now enjoy the familiar McDonald’s fries but with a unique taste.
I did try both flavours to help give those wondering an idea of what they taste like. (Disclaimer: I’ve had weak taste buds and a strong sense of smell my whole life.)
Trying out the Masala McShaker Fries first, I shook the bag with the flavouring and fries inside for about a minute or two and was hit with a strong, spicy scent. After taking a minute to cool down my nose, I started tasting the now masala-flavoured fries.
As someone who doesn’t like spicy food, I thought I was going to cough and cry like I have when eating spicy food in the past, considering I’ve got a minimal tolerance to such. However, they were surprisingly pleasant to eat and are something I wouldn’t mind trying again.
Next, I tried the Churro McShaker Fries. Taking another minute or two to shake up the bag of fries and flavouring, a sweet scent eventually reached my nose. As for the taste itself, I enjoyed eating the sweet fries.
If there are plenty of people who mix fries with ice cream, I’m sure many of the same would be interested in the churro-flavoured fries. I will admit, the churro flavour wasn’t as strong as the masala when comparing the two, but there’s always the human error of me possibly not getting enough flavouring on the fries.
If you were to ask me if I recommend people try out the McShaker Fries — I would. However I’d also recommend the churro flavour over the masala flavour, but that’s more of a personal preference since I like sweet food over spicy food by an infinite margin.
I will say, I heard these fries were available in Hong Kong with an option of seaweed seasoning. So if McShaker Fries do come back in the future, it would be nice to have that flavour available in Canada.
For those interested in trying this special food item, the McShaker Fries will be available until June 17.