How to make the most of the remainder of summer

From spending time outdoors to finding ways to relax, here’s some easy ways to enjoy your free time

Art by Chelsea Lai.

Art by Chelsea Lai.

As students who spend most of our days in school, we get excited about the much-awaited summer season. The long days and warm weather are ideal for booking week-long trips, going on new adventures, or relaxing under the sun without worrying about school. 

For most, it’s one adventure after the other, but some decide to stay and take classes to tick off what they need to earn credentials. The long days seem to give the illusion of “more time” for finishing our assignments, and the warm weather makes us appreciate the air conditioning in our classrooms. 

This means we have less time to enjoy the outdoors, giving us a serious case of FOMO — the fear of missing out. As the summer semester comes to an end, that long-awaited semester break is finally here, giving us a little bit of time to do the things we couldn’t afford to do between classes. 

Here are some easy-to-do suggestions to make the most of the remainder of summer. 

Go for a nice nature walk or hike

Planning a hike is a great way to unwind and reset because it offers a good contrast to being cooped up indoors. You get to enjoy the fresh air and views all while getting more steps into your day. Consider this your exercise for the week, and you’ll reap many benefits for your muscles and cardiovascular health. 

If you don’t have enough time for a hike, try taking a stroll in a nearby park instead. There are many local green spaces and trails that you can explore anytime, even without any planning involved. 

Allocate a few minutes of your day to walk around your neighbourhood if you’re short on time. This allows you to breathe and pause from stress, which in turn gives you clarity on how to finish up the remainder of your summer semester. You don’t need to go far to enjoy the outdoors — you just need to give your mind and body the break they deserve.

Go to a local farmers market or outdoor festivities

Summer is the best time to enjoy your local markets and pop-up events. You can expect fresh pastries and produce, handmade products like jewelry, accessories, and clothing, artwork in different mediums, and more. 

It’s satisfying to not only buy something that catches your eye, but also support the local businesses in your community. There is just something personal about interacting with the people who made the product, and it leaves you with a good story to tell. 

Go to the mall

The warm weather is fun until it becomes scorching hot and unbearable. It can be dangerous to walk around outside and do strenuous exercises, especially when the temperature is at its peak. For those who do not have air-conditioned homes, you can find somewhere cool to chill for a few hours, walk around, and see new shops. You can also do some window-shopping or try new food places inside the mall.

Do something you love to do

It’s important to schedule breaks for yourself to refresh your mind and recharge your motivation. Even without leaving your house, you can step away from your desk and do something that aligns with your hobbies. 

Read one of the books on your reading list, continue the arts-and-crafts project that you left unfinished, or catch up on cleaning your room — anything that can make your day a little more fun. Set realistic tasks that can fit into your busy schedule and only do what you can. These simple acts can go a long way when it comes to giving your mind some relief and a bit of enjoyment.