Women on weights: Myth #9 There’s no such thing as gym etiquette

Michela Fiorido talks gym etiquette, and why you should keep your mouth shut about other’s working out.

By Michela Fiorido [Sports Bureau Chief]

Actually, there are many unwritten rules to attending the gym so as not to irritate those around you. Lucky for you, I’m here to spell them out for you to save yourself from future embarrassment. Firstly keep in mind that anytime you throw together sweaty, time-constrained, and often testosterone-fueled individuals into a fairly confined area, people are bound to get annoyed, especially since working out isn’t exactly the most exciting task in the world. Now that that’s out of the way, here are the rules:

1. Try to keep the grunting to a minimum: I know it’s hard but it really draws unnecessary attention. I absolutely despise the macho men who think they’re totally ripped and they’re lifting like nothing and they’re grunting ferociously in the process….nasty.

2. Clean up after yourself: How gross is it when somebody walks away from a machine you want to use, leaving a pool of slimy, bacteria-infested sweat behind for you to enjoy? Don’t be that person. Bring a towel with you or use the spray cleansers and paper towels that are usually placed around the gym.

3. Unload your weights: It is extremely irritating when you go to use the squat machine and, lo and behold somebody left 400 pounds of weights for you to remove in 45 pound increments. This is time consuming, annoying, and if it’s your “lower body” weight day, you will be peeved that you just put your arms through hell in putting some loser’s weights back.

4. Respect the cardio time limits: Most gyms have 30 minute limits on cardio machines so respect them. And don’t think that just because there are plenty of available treadmills that you can just keep on going for hours, I want the treadmill by the window too, y’know!

5.Wear appropriate attire: We’ve all seen that girl, you know, the one who is wearing just a sports bra and miniscule Lululemon shorts. Very, very unnecessary in an air conditioned gym.

4. Don’t be late for class: There is nothing more irritating during a yoga class when some knob comes in 10 minutes late, disrupts the silence and everyone’s concentration, and then fumbles around in the closet for a mat. So much for yoga being a calming activity.

7. Don’t just sit there hogging the machine during your rest periods: It’s called “working in”  which is something everyone should practice. Allow others to do a set while you’re resting, especially since a set and a rest period take the same time anyways.

8. Don’t give others tips: People have their own routines and methods so don’t try to throw in your two cents like a know-it-all. This is especially irritating as a female when men offer me “pointers.” This is not only sexist, but there’s a very good chance I know more about fitness now than he’ll learn in a lifetime.

9. Don’t come to the gym sick: This should be obvious, but apparently to some it is not.

10. Leave the cell phone in the locker: Nobody wants to hear your Britney Spears ringtone, or your plans for the weekend.
Before starting any fitness routine, consult a qualified fitness professional.