What to Do Instead of Bingeing Netflix During the Pandemic

Six healthy habits for a better self-isolation

(Kristen Frier)

As we attempt to flatten the curve by self-isolating, we may also become anxious about the future of our country and economy. Being stuck in the house can also feel quite boring and repetitive, even further agitating our mental health, but it also can be a time for us to focus on ourselves and maintain a positive mindset by participating in activities and routines that help us isolate in a healthier way.

Binge watching Netflix all day may seem all relaxing and effortless at first glance, but there is something to be said for setting healthy boundaries. Making the most out of the time you have each day can help you keep your head and lifestyle on track.

Six habits I have focused on developing during this pandemic are reading, moving, writing, eating well, hydrating, and socializing.

Reading is important for the mind as it can help stimulate proper brain activity and keep you alert. Start by reading all of those books on your reading list that you haven’t gotten around to, and then go looking for more.

Hydration is key. Drinking enough water can be difficult, but when you’re stuck inside, remembering to stay hydrated can be simple. Keep a water bottle on you at all times and drink up. Drinking plenty of water keeps your body and mind running smoothly.

Writing has helped me during these dark times. Journaling your heavy thoughts about this pandemic or other issues can help clear the clutter inside your head. Document your days in isolation. It could be interesting to look back on in the future.

As nice as it may sound, eating well doesn’t mean scarfing down Flamin’ Hot Cheetos all day. Ensure you are properly nurturing your body and eating three meals per day. With so much time on your hands, you can get creative in the kitchen and attempt to make sourdough bread or some sort of frothy coffee.

Movement is key for keeping our bodies in shape, but it helps our mood, too. Don’t stay sitting all day. Instead, get up and go for a walk in a quiet neighbourhood, follow a YouTube workout video, or learn a new Tik Tok dance. It doesn’t matter how big or small they are — body movement releases endorphins that create the feeling of happiness in your brain.

Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, human beings need to socialize with one another. If you are fortunate enough to be living with others, take advantage of them and gather up to play a competitive game of Monopoly or watch a movie together. If you’re alone, use FaceTime or Zoom to get together with friends for a virtual happy hour.

Forgetting some responsibilities and taking a break from the world can be nice at times, but participating in activities gives you a way to stabilize your mental health during these scary times. We already have all this time alone with ourselves. We might as well use it to work on self-love, self-improvement, and mental wellness.