KSA appoints new CRO, approves 2024 budget
The association is working on improving relations with KPU amid concerns regarding event planning and management

The next KSA council meeting will take place on Jan. 5 at 11:00 am. (File photo)

The Kwantlen Student Association held a council meeting on Dec. 20 at 11:00 am in their boardroom on the Surrey campus and hybrid over Microsoft Teams.
The Runner was unable to attend the first half an hour of the meeting due to not being informed about a change in the meeting location.
Sameer Ismail was appointed as chief returning officer, a position that conducts and regulates elections and referenda, according to the KSA’s Regulations.
Ismail has previously worked as a government relations strategist at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). His role involved administering student elections, setting up their government relations portfolio, and ensuring completion and accessibility of nomination packages.
“I understand that things have been from time to time a little bit rough here in terms of the KSA’s elections, but I think my eyes are fairly wide open,” Ismail said.
In his report, Amitoj Sandhu, vice president finance and operations, said the budget for 2024 has been presented and approved by the council. Sandu also said he is open to any recommendations to the budget from staff, Executive Director Timothii Ragavan, and Ismail.
Janice Morris, founder and festival director of KDocsFF, held a presentation about Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s documentary film festival. Morris talked about the power of documentary activism and filmmaking to engage learners.
The theme for next year’s festival, which will take place from Feb. 21 to 25, is ‘“Journeys in Solidarity.’” The KSA has been the signature presenting partner for KDocsFF since 2019.
During his report, KSA President Abdullah Randhawa said he has been in discussions with council about the “Holidaze Party” that was called off last week. Randhawa said he will have a meeting with KPU management on Jan. 3 to discuss future expectations for planning events.
“We’re trying our best to improve our relations with the management because if we have a strong relationship then we can help each other to [improve] student life,” Randhawa said.
“We are still going on with discussions with our president and VP student life to have that event next month in January,” said Amandeep Brar, a faculty of business representative.
In her report, Jasmine Kochhar, vice president external affairs, said she has been planning to host a “talk and chat” event in the second week of January. The event will involve going around campus and talking to students about the KSA, student advocacy, and how the association can become more accessible to them.
Ragavan said during his report that he has been planning meetings to discuss with the new KSA council. He also said he had been working to finalize the now-approved budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Destiny Lang, the queer student’s representative, said in their report that they have been meeting with representatives from across Canada to discuss equitable healthcare for transgender students. They are also planning to present an add on to gender affirming coverage at KPU on Jan. 12.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Jan. 5 at 11:00 am in Birch 250 and online through Microsoft Teams. Students interested in attending can email info@kusa.ca.