KPU Announces Two-day Pause to Classes to Transition to Online Instruction
The pause will not apply to level one and four trades and technology or horticulture classes

Classes will be paused on March 17 and 18 as KPU deans and faculty work “to develop a plan to transition from face-to-face instruction for the remainder of the semester” in response to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“Exceptions to this pause include all classes at KPU’s Faculty of Trades and Technology, as well as Horticulture Level 1 and Level 4. Due to the technical and hands-on nature of these programs, in-person instruction will continue, but proper social distancing measures will be in effect in the classrooms, shops, and labs,” reads a statement from KPU President Alan Davis.
“Alternative forms of instructional delivery will be communicated on March 19. Students will be contacted directly by their instructors with details. These will remain in effect until the end of the semester.”
All campuses will remain open unless KPU issues any further notice, and university employees will continue to work on campus “with the exceptions already noted in previous communication regarding those who feel ill, are caring for a family member who is ill or who are self-isolating following a return from travel outside of Canada,” reads the statement.
Davis writes that students can expect to hear about changes in plans for writing exams by March 20, and that “work-integrated learning, including clinical placements, practicums and co-op placements will continue at the discretion of the employers.”
This follows the cancellation of Spring Convocation after the B.C. Ministry of Health directed event organizers to cancel any gatherings of more than 250 people.
KPU will be posting future updates to in order to notify students of any changes to the situation.