Culture Envy: Local drag will give you a reason to scream this halloween
This October, get dressed up and go watch other folks who are also dressed up

Eastside Studios may seem drab in the light of day, but it is a hotspot for Vancouver's drag scene. (Kristen Frier)

Halloween is coming up fast and with the current B.C. COVID-19 restrictions allowing for indoor events there are a lot of ways to enjoy this season. Since the scariest part of last Halloween was the looming threat of illness and also, for me, fireworks, I say that this year we all deserve a little fun.
Instead of sitting at home and binging scary movies like I have been doing for the better part of the last two years, I plan on getting all dolled up, lacing up the ‘ol boots, and sitting elsewhere to watch folks perform — but with at least two or three vodka sodas.
On Oct. 28, Glitch Bar and Games Room in Kitsilano is hosting a Beetlejuice viewing party. Unfortunately, saying “Beetlejuice viewing party” three times will not manifest tickets out of thin air. However, $10 for tickets or $15 at the door will get you in.
The event begins at 6:30 pm, and at 8:30 pm — after you finish swooning over Geena Davis — it’s karaoke time! Karaoke is run by Teshawna of Triumph Entertainment and hosted by drag performers Xanax and Eva. There will also be a very lucrative costume contest with a $500 prize for first place.
With the global pandemic still at large, we are living under Footloose rules, i.e. no dancing allowed. However, you can still watch other people dance and live vicariously through them, wishing you could shake your butt to “I Will Survive” with as much precision, grace, and padding as your favourite local queens.
It is known that any event by Man Up will fill your heart simultaneously with passion, excitement, and cholesterol from the much-needed post-party McDonalds run. This year should be no different. Man Up is hosting three days in a row of events, so check one out, get seated, and wave your arms and legs around all crazy like one of those wiggly tube man things.
On Oct. 29, The EASTSiDE WAREHOUSE RESSURECTiON ~ Haunted Comeback Party is going down. The Warehouse at East Side Studios has been closed for a while, but it is back for one month to serve you steaming hot bowls of entertainment.
Like it says on the Facebook event page, “The pandemonium curse may have knocked us down and sucked out our souls, but like ghosts and cockroaches, the queers can NEVER be exterminated!”
The resurrection party will feature music from Dacey + a special guest, DJ’s Ponyboy, Paisley Eva, K. Mac, and Many Bothans, Drag by the icons Rose Butch, Vixen Von Flex, and Rogue, and murals by PuppyTeeth, Ethan Barry, and Geflite Fish.
Tickets are $13 in advance or $15 at the door, but honestly, I feel like this one will sell out, so grab those advanced tickets to guarantee entry. And bring cash because the ATM line will be painfully long.
On Oct. 30, at ESS is Man Up Halloween: Queer As Hell!!!, and on Oct. 31, The Darlings: Live on Halloween.
As you can see, there are many events you could throw some love at to support the queer community this season. A community that is facing venue shutdowns, loss of income, and a persistent demand for boundary-pushing costume elevation.
The $50 you spent on your Chucky costume is child’s play in comparison to the amount of time, money, and effort that goes into events like these, so if you’d like to attend you can cough up some dough you know will help local artists, and then stop coughing altogether as these events do require masks and two doses of a vaccine to enter. Slay safe!